Ah! The dreaded wisdom teeth. Many of us have heard the horror stories and wince in fear the second we sense any discomfort coming from the area around our molars. However, you might find some comfort in knowing that wisdom teeth removals are actually painless procedures meant to alleviate the discomfort. Dentalmed Associates has you covered for all your oral surgery needs, including wisdom teeth removal or any surgery.
‘Wisdom teeth’ is the colloquial name given to the third and final set of molars that erupt through the gums in your mouth. These teeth owe their name to the fact that they are the last to appear and as such, are associated with aging.
Because the wisdom teeth are the last set to come in, oftentimes there is not enough space for them to erupt properly. This causes the teeth to become impacted and grow in abnormal angles that can cause pain decay to adjacent teeth, loss of bone, infection and lead to dental crowding. By removing one or more wisdom teeth, we can prevent the rest of your smile from suffering.
Eliminate pain and discomfort
Prevent dental crowding and misalignment
Reduce the risk for cavities and gum infections
Prevent bone loss
Prevent the formation of cysts' or tumors
Dentalmed Associates can help stop the pain and keep your teeth in position with our wisdom teeth removal procedures. We boast some of the finest professionals in oral surgery for added peace of mind. Call us today to learn more!
12600 Pembroke Road Suite-314 Miramar, FL, 33027
Dentalmed Associates6100 Glades Road Suite 210Boca Raton, FL 33434